Akamai Algorithm - Bypass Akamai - May be selling.double-click it and change its value to false. hi, this is part of captive portal detection which was introduced in firefox 52 - in order to disable that, enter about:config into the firefox address bar (confirm the info message in case it shows up) & search for the preference named.Doing this will marked ly decrease the likelihood of a Private Internet Access Akamai Blocking DNS/IP leak a nd maintain the 1 last update 9 capability to bypass complex firewalls.Hello guys i can code any brute checker for a fair price i know how to bypass akamai too for more info contact me on : Telegram : heisenberg_67 Discord : H.Resolution: To prevent the external calls to Akamai you can do the following: Disable CRL checking for the user account running job engine. When the Archer Job Engine makes calls through HTTPS, it also makes calls to Akamai to check for certificate revocation. Akamai is a content hosting service that hosts certificate revocation lists.